Christmas and the New Year are now behind us and, most importantly, the kids had a great time. Hopefully they didn't spot much of a difference from previous years. Last year one of my New Year's resolutions was to reduce my debt - and it just goes to show that the saying 'be careful what you wish for, you may get it' is so true! Yes, here I am with far less debt than last year, but I would have never expected the means by which I reduced that debt! This year therefore I decided that my only resolution should be to make sure that I enjoy myself more - life is too short, after all. Last Saturday myself and a few friends went walking in Northumberland, along part of Hadrian's Wall - and it was glorious. You have to remember what is real.
Happy New Year.
(Thanks to Uncle Tone for the photo - Average Joe tackles the drifts next to Hadrian's Wall)